Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Auto Lease in PayEsTor 1.5

 < View for Auto Lease >

if you want to estimate how much I have to pay for the deal, Choose "AutoLease" from Combobox. then you can see:

1. After Contract: options you can select what you do after end of the contract. 
- Return: you can return the vehicle to lesser(financial institute)
- Purchase: you can buy the vehicle at the end of the contract with low price( Residual value can be the price.)
- Extend: when you want to extend existing car lease contract.

2. Lender, 6.Terms(mos.): this is the same as used in Personal Loan, Mortgage.
4. Down Payment: this is the same as used in Mortgage and Auto Loan
5. Residual Value: the value of the car at the end of the lease contract.
7. Payment/mo.: the amount of the money you have to pay monthly.

Auto Loan in PayEsTor 1.5

 < View for Auto Loan >

if you want to estimate how much you have to pay, choose "AutoLoan" from Combobox. then you can see:

1. Lender: name of the financial institute will lend money to you. (e.g., Bank of America) you can enter this here.

2. MSRP(car): an acronym for Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. But this is just a recommendation from Manufacturer. actual price from local dealership can be lower or higher.

3. Down Payment: initial sum of money applied to a purchase being financed by the purchaser. When making a large purchase, many buyers will pay some of that cost upfront in the form if a down payment in order to reduce the amount oif money to be financed.

4. Rate: interest rate used in the deal.

5. Terms(mos.): the length of the deal.

Personal Loan in PayEsTor 1.5

< View for Personal Loan>

If you estimate how much you should pay for Personal Loan deal, Choose "PersonalLoan" from the combobox. Then You can see:

1. Lender: User can enter the name of the Lender here. (e.g., Bank of America) FYI, you can enter character only.

2. Amount: amount of the money you can borrow from the deal. normally, most of financial institution allow $100,000 at most.

3. Rate: Interest Rate for the deal. expressed as a percentage.

4. Terms: the length of time between when a firxed-income security, such as bond or note, is offered for sale and its maturity date.


Mortgage in PayEsTor 1.5

 <View for Mortgage>

if you want to estimate how much you have to pay for mortgage deal, choose "Mortgage" from Combobox. Then You can see:

1. Lender: You can enter the name of the Lender here. FYI, you can enter character only here.

2. MSRP(Home): price of the house you want to buy.

3. Down Payment: this is the part of the home's purchase price you pay upfront, rather than financing it through a mortgage. if you're buying a $200,000 home, for example, and put 10 % down, or $20,000, you'd ge getting a mortgage for $180,000.

4. Rate: Interest Rate for the deal.

5. Terms(mos.): the length of time between when a fixed-income security, such as a bond or note, is offered for sale and its maturity date. (if you want to enter 3 yrs. as the terms of the deal, you should enter "36" because PayEsTor uses months as a measure for terms.)

Main View in PayEsTor 1.5

 < Main View >

When You start PayEsTor, User will see the following view:

1. Product: User can select category of the deal. (e.g., Personal Loan)

2. About...: User can check details(name, e-mail address of the developer, URL of user guide) of the app.

3. Input Screen: User can Enter the details of the deal here. this screen can be changed according to the product.

4. "Estimate" button: User can estimate how much expense this deal can generate  by clicking this button.

Monday, June 20, 2022

PayEsTor 1.5... comming soon!


PayEsTor will be updated soon. 

< Changes >

< Update >

Advertisement will be attached through!

Disclaimer for PayEsTor 1.5

 < Disclaimer > The rate used by the app is the Interest Rate, not the APR, which may cause differences with estimation result from in...